Call for National Consultancy (Service Contract No. 004/2023) for the Development of CSOs Website for Repository and Dashboard of GBV Information


The European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) launched a global, multi-year initiative focused on eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG) known as the Spotlight Initiative. The Spotlight Initiative places all forms of violence against women and girls at the center of efforts to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  It is a new joined-up approach and partnership between the UN and the EU to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in an integrated manner in line with respective mandates. A key component of the Programme is to eliminate Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), and Harmful Practices (HPs) and increase women’s and girls’ access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHRs). 

Through the support from UN Women, Development Education Network-Liberia (DEN-L), a local non-governmental organization based in Gbarnga, Liberia has been implementing activities under Pillar 6 of the EU/UN Spotlight Initiative, with the goal of “strengthening the capacity of CSOs and the women’s the movement to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls”, in five counties: Montserrado, Grand Cape Mount, Lofa, Nimba, and Grand Gedeh. The project targets CSOs, coalitions, networks of women’s movements, and marginalized and vulnerable groups, including those facing multiple and intersecting forms of violence and discrimination, such as persons living with HIV/AIDs, disabilities, and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender /transsexual, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) community at national and subnational levels in the five Spotlight counties.

As the program has ended, CSOs have developed sustainability plans to enhance the continuity of their efforts in ending EVAWG in the target counties. Part of the plans as identified by the CSOs in their peer-learning event held in Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount County,  is to develop a website that will serve as both a repository of all GBV information from the counties and a platform for providing real-time GBV cases for the use of stakeholders.

In light of this, DEN-L is seeking an independent and qualified local consultant, with experience in developing websites and dashboards, to develop a CSO website for the Repository and Dashboard of GBV Information

Key Tasks of the national consultancy shall be as follows:

  1. Design and develop a high-standard website to serve as a repository and dashboard for storing and retrieving GBV information including reports and cases from five Spotlight Counties in Liberia;
  2. Create professional pages by international best practices including but not limited to Home,  About Us, Services, Contact, Blog, Portfolio, database, dashboard, News/ latest, documentary, donation, events,  etc.
  3. Help create/upload content on the website;
  4. Train representatives of DEN-L and CSOs to manage the website;
  5. Help publish/launch the website
  6. Provide ongoing support, maintenance, or hosting services for the website for at least the first two years after its launch
  7. Train staff/CSOs to maintain the website;
  8. Assign administrators with passwords to manage the website;
  9. Follow all EU/UN Spotlight Initiative communication guidelines in such publication; 
  10. Follow DEN-L Code of Conduct and all UN Women regulations and policies relating to fraud and sexual exploitation and abuse throughout the consultant engagements; and 
  11. Submit to DEN-L a summary report of the process;

Duration of the consultancy

The selected consultant will be  expected to deliver the above service within seven (7) days from the effective date of the contract

Key deliverables

  1. A website built with all relevant futures/pages and data uploaded as defined in the key tasks;
  2. Trained staff that manage the website;
  3. Website formally turned over to DEN-L; and
  4. Assigned administrators with passwords to manage the website;

 Submission of application

Applications can be submitted to with a copy to by 16:00 GMT on October 21, 2023, as the deadline.