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CSOs SGBV Secretariat Resolution

  • Post category:Reports

Civil Society Organizations Secretariat Network on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence of the
European Union and United Nations Spotlight Initiative Resolution from the Five Spotlight’s
Counties Whereas the EU/UN Spotlight Initiative has been working with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to eliminate all forms of Violence against women and girls (VAWG) since 2019; Whereas the Spotlight initiative targets five (5) counties (Lofa, Grand Cape Mount, Nimba, Grand Gedeh and Montserrado); Whereas the initiative has identified more than seven hundred (700) functional CSOs and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in the five (5) EU/ UN Spotlight counties to end violence against women and girls; Whereas, as a result of the EU/UN Spotlight engagements, CSOs Secretariat was established in 2019 within the targeted five counties to coordinate CSOs and end violence against women and girls; Whereas after barely one year of CSOs engagements, the Secretariat converged in an Experience Sharing Conference in Gbarnga City, Bong County from June 24-26, 2020 to share experiences, challenges and lessons learned in the fight to end violence against women and girls; and Whereas delegates to the conference have deliberated the following achievements and challenges