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DEN-L Job Vacancy Announcement

Beginning July 1, 2024

Deadline: July 31, 2024


Development Education Network-Liberia (DEN-L) is a local non-governmental organization incorporated in 2000. As its vision, DEN-L aims at ‘a nation (Liberia) at peace with itself and its neighbors. The organization’s overall Goal is ‘to build a constituency of people-to-people formations in pursuit of grassroots empowerment, economic justice, democratic development, and gender equity for a just and peaceful Liberia. The broad objectives are 1) To contribute to the building of a peaceful Liberia through an empowered society at all levels; 2) To contribute to the empowerment, human rights, and equality of women and girls as Liberian citizens in all aspects of their lives; and 3) To strengthen and maintain DEN-L as an effective, efficient organization committed to a Liberia at peace with itself and its neighbors

DEN-L has three core programs: Civic Action Program (CAP); Gender Action Program (GAP), Outreach for Change (OFC), and Important Opportunity Program (IOP) on Agriculture or Agribusiness and Emergency Preparedness. DEN-L is predominantly involved with capacity building and community awareness. DEN-L has worked in Liberia as a capacity-building organization for the past 23 years; the organization seeks to empower local people, marginalized groups (women and youth), and other vulnerable groups to make their voices heard in the democratic space and to enjoy full social, economic, and political participation.

DEN-L’s organizational structure includes a general assembly that serves as the highest decision-making body, followed by a board of directors, a management team, and a directorate. The Directorate now consists of the Executive Director the Deputy Director for Programs.

The tenure of the current Directorate ends in October 2024 and the Board will be appointing a new directorate for the organization.  Both the Board and General Assembly of DEN-L have endorsed that the positions be advertised to provide opportunities for both external and internal recruitment.

DEN-L is therefore soliciting applications from qualified Liberians with experience in working with non-profit organizations to apply for the following positions:

Job Title: Executive Director (ED)

Duty Station: Gbarnga City, Bong County

Contract Duration: 4 years with possible extension based on performance and good record

Job specifications and descriptions

  1. Job Specification-The ED must:
  2. Have a master’s degree or its equivalence in development studies or any of the social sciences, or have a first degree with proof of exceptional experience and strong track records of achievements in organization leadership and development;
  3. Have worked as head of a non-profit organization for or in a similar position for at least three years; or have worked within a non-profit organization management for at least five years;
  4. Be knowledgeable and experienced in working with civil society organizations, community-based organizations, women groups, youth groups, and other marginalized groups;
  5. Have  relevant experience in organizational development, management, and leadership,  
  6. Have skills in guiding the organization’s strategic direction;
  7. Skills in organizational risk management;
  8. Have excellent interpersonal skills and relationship building;
  9.  Skills in troubleshooting and identification of issues affecting organizational growth and development for the sole purpose of instituting corrective measures to ensure progress;
  10. Have the ability to represent and link the organization to external stakeholders including government, development partners, and its target groups,
  11. Be innovative in leading the organization;
  12. Be willing to work extra time beyond the normal eight hours without overtime pay; and
  13. Be willing to work on weekends or holidays without overtime pay
  1. Job description-the following are the key expectations of the Executive Director:


  1. To act as secretary to the Ordinary and Special General Assemblies unless otherwise instructed by the GA president in consultation with the Board not to;
  2. To provide operational and logistical support to the GA president in readiness for the Ordinary/Special General Assembly;
  3. To act as a secretary to the Board and to execute all the duties appertaining to that responsibility;
  4. To act as the interface between the General Assembly, the Board and the Incorporators;
  5. To implement Board directives and decisions as communicated collectively through quarterly or special Board meetings;
  6. To operationalize and rollout the Strategic Plan as an expression of the strategic intentions of the Board during the plan period
  7. Together with staff, to prepare annual, and quarterly plans and budgets for approval by the Board;
  8. To report to the Board every quarter on program implementation and finances;
  9. To provide operational leadership to the directorate in keeping with the intentions of the Board;
  10. To constitute and chair a Management Committee comprising of the two Deputy EDs, Programme Coordinators, and co-opted Programme officers;
  11. To buckstop, the Deputy Executive Director (DED) Programmes with consideration and due respect to the Board’s contract with him/her.


  1. To drive the Operational, and Quarterly plans developed by the management and approved by the Board;
  2. To spearhead the program development, implementation, and tracking;
  3. To backstop programme performance and results according to strategic plan targets;
  4. To fundraise for programs locally and abroad
  5. To manage, with due diligence, relations (funding and non-funding) between the donors and DEN-L


  1. To act as the Overseer for DEN-L core funds and any other related resources;
  2. To fundraise for DEN-L core support through donors and the training facility;
  3. To monitor, with due diligence, the utilization and movement of DEN-L funds on behalf of the Board.

 Capital Investment

  • To act as the on-site custodian of all DEN-L property on behalf of the General Assembly and the Board;
  • To spearhead, and oversee any property improvement or development on the DEN-L compound
  • To supervise and exercise discretion in the pronouncement of all DEN-L assets

Human Resource

  • Jointly with the management committee, to hire the DEN-L staff according to the DEN-L Personnel Manual
  • To ensure that the process of recruitment is consistent with the Equal Opportunity principle and that it discriminates positively in favor of disadvantaged groups;[1]
  • To manage and supervise the DEN-L staff by policy instruments already in place;
  • To drive the process of staff development and training in conjunction with the management committee;
  • To account for the results of both the programme and corporate staff to the Board;
  • To backstop staff results in areas by the Operational and Quarterly plans; and

To drive the process of staff appraisals, jointly with the management committee, and to make recommendations to the Board accordingly.

Interested applicants can send hard-copy of the application letter and CVs (with three references) to the Office of the Human Resource Director, Development Education Network – Liberia, Dementa Road, Gbarnga City, Bong County, or send soft copies to and copy and

Note: Females are strongly encouraged to apply!

The deadline for application is July 31, 2024, at 4:00 pm. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted. We encourage our network to circulate this post as widely as possible.

Job Title: Deputy Director Programs (DDP)

Duty Station: Gbarnga City, Bong County

Contract Duration: 3 years with possible extension based on performance and good record

Job specifications and descriptions

  1. Job Specification-The DDP must:
  2. Have a master’s degree or its equivalence in development studies or any of the social sciences; or have a first degree with proof of exceptional experience and strong track records of achievements in program design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluations;
  3. Have  worked within a non-profit organization management for at least three years;
  4. Be knowledgeable and experienced in working with civil society organizations, community-based organizations, women groups, youth groups, and other marginalized groups;
  5. Understand the cultural context of the rural communities in Liberia and be able to speak at least one of the local languages;
  6. Have experience in program design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation;
  7. Have skills in guiding the organization’s strategic direction;
  8. Skills in program risk management;
  9. Have excellent interpersonal skills and relationship building;
  10.  Skills in troubleshooting and identification of issues affecting programs for the sole purpose of instituting corrective measures to ensure progress;
  11. Be innovative in organization resource mobilization;
  12. Be willing to work extra time beyond the normal eight hours without overtime pay; and
  13. Be willing to work on weekends or holidays without overtime pay
  1. Job description-the following are the key expectations of the DDP


  1. In consultation with the Executive Director (ED), to operationalize and rollout the programme Strategy in the Strategic Plan as an expression of the strategic intentions of the Board during a specific plan period
    1. Together with programme staff,  prepare annual, and quarterly plans for onward submission to the board by the ED
    1. To report to the Management Committee every quarter on programme implementation
    1. To provide operational leadership to the programme staff
    1. To constitute and chair a programme team comprising the programme managers
    1. To buck stop, and supervise the Programs Co-ordinators, Programme Officers and their Assistants in line with the agreed line management set out by the Management Committee.

Specific Brief

  • To manage the Programme Operational, and Quarterly plans developed by the programme team and approved by the Board
    • To manage the process of programme development, implementation, and tracking
    • To monitor and account for programme performance and results to the ED and the Management Committee
    • To work with the ED, to identify and manage the fundraising campaign for programmes
    • To advise the management committee, on the hiring of DEN-L staff
    • To manage and supervise the programme staff following the policy instruments
    • To manage the process of programme staff development and training in conjunction with the ED
    • To account for the results of the programme staff to the Management Committee
    • To manage the process of programme staff appraisals, and to make recommendations to the Management Committee accordingly; and
    • Perform other functions as directed by the supervisor or management in line with the mandate of DEN-L

Interested applicants can send hard-copy of the application letter and CVs (with three references) to the Office of the Human Resource Director, Development Education Network – Liberia, Dementa Road, Gbarnga City, Bong County, or send soft copies to and copy and

Note: Females are strongly encouraged to apply!

The deadline for application is July 31, 2024, at 4:00 pm. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted. We encourage our network to circulate this post as widely as possible.
