“On behalf of the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, the Management Team and general staff of DEN-L, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all our partners, our donors, and our stakeholders for the level of support provided to DEN-L over the years. With your support, I believe we do more than we are able to effectively communicate; so, the purpose of this website is to share with you the work we do, how we do it and, most importantly, the impact of what we do. While the information at this site may not be exhaustive, I trust you will find some that will help you answer key questions about DEN-L and, perhaps, those that might encourage you support our work.
DEN-L is a place-to-be and a place for growth and development. This is exemplary of the transition our staff members go through from entry level apprentices to high-level trainers, facilitators, and managers with complex knowledge and skills at different levels. Our primary thrust is capacity building and so we begin with ourselves-building the capacity of our staff who are expected to build the capacity of other CSOs and CBOs to be viable organizations with strong human resources, and work with communities to address their own situations.
This testimony does not, however, mean that we have no challenges; in fact, our challenges over the years have helped us built the resilience to deal with different situations at different times-during peace, war, economic draw down, donors’ fatigue, etc.
It is also important to mention that our triumph is built on the legacy of our past leaders; I am grateful to them; we strive to live to their legacy and we encourage our successors as well as our stakeholders to also live up to what we stand for: transparency, accountability, collaboration, justice, and impact of our work. Let us all work to make Liberia at peace with itself and its neighbors.
I hope you enjoy your browse at this website and feel free to contact us if you need additional information. Thanks”

“There is no better way to start my message than first recognizing those key stakeholders who make programming possible at DEN-L. The first here is the program team of DEN-L; it would be almost impossible to meet the complex, rigid and, perhaps, demanding timeline of our programs without the support of the hardworking members of the program team. Each one has been committed to our program designing and implementation, and the monitoring and evaluation processes. The next group to recognize is our valuable beneficiaries (communities, CSOs, CBOs, especially women, youth and the physically challenged and other groups facing intersecting forms of discrimination). Their trust and belief in DEN-L’s programs have been the secret to the success of our program delivery; hence, they have strengthened our networking across the 15 political subdivisions of Liberia. Finally, our partners and donors have strengthened and keep strengthening us from their constructive (negative and positive) feedbacks towards our programming. This has helped built our capacity and we are still open to more feedback to make us even stronger.”
“The hallmark of our programming is participation. While it may be true that this has a recipe for delay in decision making, those with like minds will agree with me that the results from participatory process bring ownership and accountability. So, DEN-L programming strives to promote our core values: transparency, accountability, collaboration, justice and impact focus through participatory processes. We encourage our stakeholders to feedback on where we slack on these values to help us reinvigorate, in pursuit of grassroots empowerment, economic justice, democratic development and gender equity for a just and peaceful Liberia”
“I would like to close with quotation from one of the affiliates of DEN-L, the Late Mr. Peter Y. Ballah, who in his motto for his Flomo Theater Production Organization said: “Let’s keep the touch of our heritage burning”. I would then say to our stakeholders: Let’s keep the touch of DEN-L’s programs burning. Thanks”