Beginning July 1, 2024 Deadline: July 31, 2024 BACKGROUND Development Education Network-Liberia (DEN-L) is a local non-governmental organization incorporated in 2000. As its vision, DEN-L aims at ‘a nation (Liberia) at peace with itself and its neighbors. The organization's overall
This annual event serves as a crucial platform for the institution's stakeholders, members, and interested parties to engage in meaningful discussions leveraging comments and integrating feedback from relevant stakeholders to enhance the institution's growth and development This year, the GA
For the Warehouse Assistant and Warehouse security positions in each Health Districts of Bong County for 2024 ITN Distribution Number of vacant positions: Warehouse Assistant is 12; and Warehouse Security is 17 Background The Liberia National Malaria Control Program (NMCP),
Monrovia, Liberia – on October 24, 2023, the Embassy of Japan and the Development Education Network-Liberia (DEN-L) signed a Grassroots Human Security Project (GGHSP) Grant for the construction of an Annex to the Konia Garbo Public School in Lofa County.
A two-day Peer-learning event to share experiences and learnings, successes, and identify best practices, and challenges among CSOs, network members, and multi-stakeholders concluded in Robertsport City, Grand Cape Mount County with more than 25 persons from across the five Spotlight