The EU/UN Spotlight project is an initiative that focuses on strengthening the capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Women’s Rights Groups/Movement to integrate into coalitions and Networks to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls under Pillar six (6) of the EU UN Spotlight Initiative. The project targets civil society organizations, coalitions, networks, and women’s movements, including marginalized and vulnerable groups including those facing multiple and intersecting forms of violence and discrimination, including persons living with, HIV/AIDs, Disabilities, and the LGBTIQs etc. at the national and sub-national levels in the five (5) Spotlight counties (Nimba, Lofa, Montserrado, Grand Cape Mount and Grand Gedeh).
Activities for this project include:
- Mapping of all CSOs, CBOs, Networks, Marginalized/people with special needs across the 5 spotlight counties;
- Conduct organization capacity assessment with selected CSOs and network as sample for understanding the capacity levels of CSOs in the counties;
- To conduct organizational capacity building training in each of the five counties to increase participants’ knowledge and skills in communication, leadership and organization development, proposal development, conflict management, advocacy, networking and coordination and increase their awareness and engagements on GBV issues.
- To provide mentorship for CSOs/CBOS in areas were challenges remains a concern to organizations including practices in leadership, advocacy, organization development, and proposal writing; and more importantly, to reinforce CSOs knowledge on SGBV and harmful Practices and to strengthen their efforts in advocating, identifying, documenting and reporting cases using the referral pathway;
- To conduct Multi-stakeholder dialogue meetings in the 5 Spotlight counties were stakeholders along with CSOs, CBOs and Networks will learn and share experiences and contributions in combating GBV and harmful practices against women and girls and to explore possibilities for renew commitments in the fight against GBV at county level; and
- To conduct experience sharing conference with project beneficiaries.
Land Rights for Sustainable Development (LRSD) Project is focused on securing land rights for rural Liberian communities and individuals, including women and youth, through support to law and policy reform, land rights awareness, and capacity strengthening with support from LANDESA. This project has series of objectives; however, for us at DEN-L, our focused is on objective 3 i.e. creating ‘Legal Awareness and Capacity Building’ for communities, including women and youth, with a focus on male and female youth (ages 15-35 years) in six communities in Lofa and Bong counties: Lofa (Passama) and Bong (Garmue, Shankpowai, Gbarnga-siaquelleh, Boway and shankpelleh).
Kay activities for this project include:
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- Build youth capacity on land rights and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) – Conduct Land Policy and ADR Trainings and build male and female youth capacity in leadership, gender and institutional capacity;
- Mentoring and Coaching for community Self-appreciation – Community Self-appreciation celebration on self-achievements;
- Raise awareness on youth, gender, and land issues in target communities – Distribute simplified and localized land laws (posters and fact sheets); produce jingles, songs, and dramas of messages of youth land rights and gender issues; and Radio programming (airing of jingles, songs, and dramas and talk shows) of key messages on youth, land and gender issues and conduct theater programs / civic education on youth, land, gender and ADR;
- Strengthening community and youth relationship – Conduct regular dialogue forum/town hall meetings with youths as well as community dwellers (including women, men, landlords/elders) to discuss issues affecting youth and community relationship;
- Develop Participatory video documentary on project activities; and
- Conduct project experience-sharing / result conference
3. Partnering for Advancing Community based Services (PACS/IRC)/ CEBS Project
Broadened capacity of Community Structures-CHCs, HFDC NLs; increased availability of community-based health and social welfare services; and improved health-seeking behavior and practices at the community level.
This project is sponsored by IRC/PACS with a set goal ‘to extend the reach of the country’s primary health care system via an integrated and standardized national community health model that can provide a package of essential life-saving primary health care services and epidemic surveillance within communities and to households on an equitable basis through community structures’ within the coverage of sixteen (16) health facilities in four districts in Bong county. Namely: Phebe OPD, Gbarrla, Gbartala, Zeansue, Nyarta and Fenutoli clinics in Suakoko district; Totota, Salala, and Tokpaipolu clinics in Salala district; Bong mines, Handi and Degei clinics in Fuamah districa; and Kelebei, Beletinda, Sanoyea and Gbonota clinics in Sanoyea district.
The objectives of this project seek to: strengthen community engagement and build the capacity of households to contribute to the reduction of maternal, neonatal, infant, and child morbidity and mortality and to address issues of public health concern; increase access to and utilization of a high-quality, standardized package of essential interventions and services, including IPC; and strengthen support and governance systems for implementation of community health services.
Key activities:
- Mapping of community structures and health cadres;
- Support the training of Community Health Assistants and Community Health Volunteers;
- Set up, train and link Community Health committee members to the Health Facility;
- Activate Health Facility Development Committees;
- Conduct Large scale community awareness;
- Support National health related Campaigns (Polio, Missile, etc.);
- Trained CHC members in community health risk reduction plan; and
- Support Behavior Change Communication Session sessions.
4. Palladium Project
Multi-stakeholder Forest Governance & Accountability Project (MFGAP)
MFGAP is the Multi-stakeholder Forest Governance and Accountability Programme in Liberia. It is an initiative fully funded by DFID and implemented by Palladium, and is intended to work with national stakeholders in Liberia to ensure the amplification of the values and essence of accountability and oversight of Liberia’s EU Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) process. The Programme has earmarked to work with the legislature to guarantee oversight, engage civil society and communities to raise awareness and ensure effective representation in the deliberation process, leverage independent media to raise awareness and communicate transparently, and promote innovative strategies to incentivize compliance by the private sector.
Development Education Network-Liberia (DEN-L), in collaboration with the Liberia Media Center (LMC) and Heritage Partners Associate (HPA), is implementing the MFGAP in Liberia.
Key activities implemented by DEN-L include, but not limited to:
- Capacity needs assessment with key stakeholders including National Benefit Sharing Trust Board (NBSTB), National Union of Community Forest Development Committees (NUCFDCs), National Union of Community Forest Management Bodies (NUCFMCs), NGO Coalition of Liberia, Liberia Chainsaw and Timber Dealers Union (LICSATDUN), and Civil Society Independently Forest Monitoring Group (CS-IFM);
- Advocacy, networking and coordination training with stakeholders;
- Development Education and Leadership Teams in Action (DELTA) Training with stakeholders; and
- Conflict management training for stakeholders;